New impressions from lectures, workshops and expert discussions
LQ Mechatronik-Systeme was a trade exhibitor for the first time at the Anwenderkongress Steckverbinder (connector users' conference) in Würzburg.
This was the twelfth time that the Vogel Communication Group had welcomed visitors to the now well established connector users' conference in Würzburg. Following on from attendance at the show last year, which had left a positive impression, LQ Mechatronic-Systeme made its debut as an exhibitor at this year's show, which took place from 2 to 4 July. Trade visitors were interested to come to the exhibition stand of the Besigheim-based company. There they could see for themselves how simple it is to work with the M15 Power plug-in connector and other products from the X-TEC and W-TEC series, find out about the services offered in relation to the assembly of powerful cable carrier systems or just renew old contacts.
Around 320 representatives from the industry, ranging from manufacturers and distributors to users, met to discuss issues relating to the business. Parallel to the event, over forty exhibitors showcased both products and services relating to plug-in connectors. Between presentations both visitors and exhibitors expanded their technical knowledge in workshops focussing on applications.